BY BEN MOSES ILAKUT ENTEBBE, UGANDA: ASARECA Interim Executive Director, Dr. Sylvester Dickson Baguma on March 6, 2025 received the Director General (DG) Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi (ISABU), Dr. Samson Musonerimana at ASARECA Secretariat offices in Entebbe Uganda. The Director General was accompanied by the Director for Research, ISABU, Dr. Micheline Inamahoro, who is also Burundi’s National Focal Person (NFP) for ASARECA. Dr. Baguma briefed the DG and the Director...
ASARECA ED, top management meet Kenya’s Agriculture Cabinet Secretary and Council of Patron Ministers’ Chair
GENEVIEVE APIO2025-03-04T10:43:26+00:00BY BEN MOSES ILAKUT NAIROBI, KENYA: ASARECA Acting Board of Directors Chairman, Ambassador Dr. Kipyego Cheluget together with the Interim Executive Director, Dr. Sylvester Dickson Baguma and the Director General, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) have held a meeting with Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary (Minister) for Agriculture and Livestock Development Hon. Mutahi Kagwe EHG. Hon. Mutahi Kagwe is the current rotational Chairperson of the ASARECA Council of Patron Ministers (CPM), a...
ASARECA IED, Sylvester Dickson Baguma backs onboarding agricultural research in regional integration
GENEVIEVE APIO2025-03-02T21:36:35+00:00BY BEN MOSES ILAKUT NAIROBI, KENYA—ASARECA Interim Executive Director, Dr. Sylvester Dickson Baguma has highlighted the importance of Agricultural Research and Development (AR4D) in the integration of economies in the East African Community (EAC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) regions. “Our Regional Economic Communities are promoting free movement of people and trade across Member States of the EAC and COMESA, however, just as the movements contribute facilitate...
ASARECA boosts access to quality potato seed for Rwandan farmers using EU, World Bank funding.
GENEVIEVE APIO2025-02-24T13:19:46+00:00BY BEN MOSES ILAKUT MUSANZE, RWANDA: ASARECA Interim Executive Director, Dr. Syslvester Dickson Baguma has handed over 2.5 tons of Quality Certified potato seed, 11 spraying pumps, 200kgs of fertilizer, and assorted pesticides to 300 farmers belonging to the Dukomeze Ubuzima Cooperative, in Shingiro, Musanze, Rwanda. Handing over the kitty during a training, demonstration and technology dissemination workshop in Shingiro in Musanze, Rwanda, on February 12, 2025, Dr. Baguma told participants that...
ASARECA, CIHEAM Bari, Heliopolis University and AICS engage Egyptian farmers in Agricultural Best Management Practices
GENEVIEVE APIO2025-02-20T20:50:10+00:00BY BEN MOSES ILAKUT SEKEM FARM, BELBIES, EGYPT: ASARECA, the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies-Institute of Bari (CIHEAM Bari) and the Italian Agency for Development Corporation (AICS) on February 2 and 3rd, 2025 joined Egyptian partners, Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development in Egypt and the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture in a workshop to sensitize farmers on utilization of proven agricultural soil and water management practices. According to ASARECA Acting Head...
Project Partners Convene in Kigali for Land Soil Crop Information Services Annual Meeting
GENEVIEVE APIO2024-12-08T09:33:12+00:00By Genevieve Apio Kigali, Rwanda, 25–26 November 2024: Key stakeholders in the Land Soil Crop Information Services (LSC Hubs) project ( gathered in Kigali for the Annual Project Meeting (APM), aimed at evaluating 2024's progress, addressing challenges, and preparing for the final project year in 2025. The meeting was hosted by the Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB). Project leadsfrom Wageningen Center for Development Innovation (WCDI), ISRIC - World Soil...
ASARECA, IWMI Pilot Policy Analysis Tool on Uganda’s National Agricultural Extension Policy
GENEVIEVE APIO2024-12-02T16:10:00+00:00By Ben Moses Ilakut KAMPALA, UGANDA: ASARECA has facilitated a thorough analysis of Uganda’s National Agricultural Extension Policy (NAEP), which has highlighted the urgent need to improve implementation of the NAEP and recommended scaling of the ASARECA Policy Manager Tool to analyze Government agricultural policies and service delivery programmes that affect farmers in all the ASARECA member countries. In a workshop to pilot ASARECA’s Policy Manager Tool through joint analysis of Uganda’s...
Call to Action: CGIAR & ASARECA take steps to propel African governments’ efforts to restore and optimize benefits from landscapes
GENEVIEVE APIO2024-11-18T13:10:17+00:00By Ben Moses Ilakut NAIROBI, KENYA: Over 200 participants ( attending the Kenya Landscape Actors Platform ( Conference ( have called for fast tracking of several policies and actions aimed at optimizing benefits from diverse Kenyan and Eastern and Central African landscapes including farmlands, forests, rangelands, water bodies, mountains, and hills. The participants, including farmers, leaders of various landscapes, community-based organizations, local and international Non-Governmental Organizations, civil society, agribusiness and farmersorganizations, national...
Request for Expression of Interest for Recruitment Services
GENEVIEVE APIO2024-11-18T07:04:53+00:00ENGLISH The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) would like to secure the services of a recruitment firm to undertake Consultancy is to provide Recruitment Services to fill the position of Executive Director for ASARECA. ASARECA now invites expressions of interest (EOIs) from legally constituted consulting firms (not individual consultants) (“consultants”) to provide the recruitment services for the above-mentioned position. To apply, download the Request for...
Scaling Uptake of Agricultural Technologies: ASARECA, MAAIF take lead in promoting utilization of virtual irrigation tools in Africa
GENEVIEVE APIO2024-11-05T14:02:21+00:00By Ben Moses Ilakut KASESE, UGANDA—"I am happy that there are technologies that can help farmers measure the amount of water, temperature, and the presence of nutrients in the soil. More so, I am excited that I am now a proud owner of these technologies,” said Ms. Tumusiime Yonah from Kinyamaseke and farmer in Mubuku I Irrigation Scheme in the Western Uganda district of Kasese. “Thank you for sensitizing us about...