Eastern and Central Africa researchers receive capacity development training to propel innovation

“ASARECA is working towards establishing a common group of experts in capacity development to work with farmers, policymakers, and the private sector in their regions and countries,”
By Genevieve Apio
NAIROBI, KENYA: Participants from eight ASARECA member countries have undergone a Training of Trainers (ToTs) course on integrating the Tropical Agriculture Platform Common Framework (TAP-CF) into the National Agriculture Research Institutions and farmer organizations.
Held in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi from 18 to 21 July 2022, the training targeted over 25 participants drawn from Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Kenya. The target groups included Research Directors, Researchers, Private sector actors, and farmer organizations. They all received certification on Integrating the TAP-CF for Capacity Development in the Agricultural Innovation Systems.
Special credit to European Union
Speaking during the training, ASARECA Executive Director, Dr. Enock Warinda, thanked the European Union and IFAD for prioritizing capacity training as a key pillar in implementing actions towards the Malabo declaration and the UN sustainable development goals. He thanked the Director General of Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Dr. Eliud Kireger for hosting the Training of Trainers. “ASARECA is working towards establishing a common group of experts in capacity development to work with farmers, policymakers, and the private sector in their regions and countries,” Dr. Warinda said.
Focus on implementation
He urged the participants to be agents for implementation of the tools and approaches for capacity development in the NARIs. The training is funded by the European Union under the CAADP-XP4 Project. Through this fund, which is managed by IFAD, ASARECA has been able to leverage the expertise of FAO to provide specialized training to its staff and selected staff from the national systems.
Partnership with FAO
FAO first conducted training of trainers and facilitators from ASARECA, YPARD, and ISABU in March 23-25, 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya on implementation of the TAP Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) concept and Participant Action Plans (PAP). The recent training of trainers focused on introducing and contextualizing AIS concepts, the TAP Common Framework for capacity development, and its approaches and tools using interactive approaches.
Capacity Development Community of Practice formed
During the training, the ASARECA Capacity Development Community of Practice (CoP) was formed. The CoP elected a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to coordinate their activities to support innovation and knowledge sharing. Prof. Anthony Lubobo (INERA) was elected as the first Chairperson representing Central Africa and Mr. Allan Ahimbisibwe (Uganda) was elected Vice Chairperson representing East Africa.