
Some of the farmers who received an assortment of items to embark on quality seed multiplication

ASARECA boosts access to quality potato seed for Rwandan farmers using EU, World Bank funding.

BY BEN MOSES ILAKUT MUSANZE, RWANDA: ASARECA Interim Executive Director, Dr. Syslvester Dickson Baguma has handed over 2.5 tons of Quality Certified potato seed, 11 spraying pumps, 200kgs of fertilizer, and assorted pesticides to 300 farmers belonging to the Dukomeze Ubuzima Cooperative, in Shingiro, Musanze, Rwanda.   Handing over the kitty during a...


AICCRA and ICPAC strengthen the capacities of Agricultural experts from ASARECA and CCARDESA member states

By Genevieve Apio, Bridget Kakuwa-Kasongamulilo, and Brook Makonnen Gaborone, Botswana – African institutions CCARDESSA (https://www.ccardesa.org/) and ASARECA (https://www.asareca.org/) have been urged to hasten efforts to leverage the capacity of Africa’s experts and institutions such as the IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Center (https://www.icpac.net/) and national initiatives to jointly work to mitigate...

Farmers under the Virtual Irrigation Academy in Malawi interpret the implications of the signal from a Chameleon sensor

Scaling up Virtual Irrigation Academy in Eastern and Central Africa

It is widely recognized that the provision of irrigation can help millions of smallholder farmers intensively cultivate their small parcels to improve income and better cope with climate induced uncertainties. However, the irrigation coverage in East and Central Africa is significantly lower than the global average. For instance, in sub-Saharan...