Author - ASARECA05

Messege to Our stakeholders on COVID-19

Dear AR4D colleagues, It is the time of the year to thank you for being part of ASARECA. As you are aware, 2019 marked 25 years since ASARECA was established. During the year, ASARECA rebranded and repositioned as the service provider of choice for AR4D convening and coordination, with partner countries...


Forging partnerships to stimulate Agricultural Research for Development

ASARECA and other Pillar 4 Institutions are set to start implementation of the Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) project, supported by a grant from the European Commission (EC) and managed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The five-year programme is valued at USD 30 million. Other Pillar...


Asareca Newsletter Vol.4

This is yet another opportunity to update our stakeholders on what is happening in the AR4D arena in the ASARECA region. Last week, precisely from July 17 to 19, there was a bee-hive of activity across the Continent. Three of the five Regional MultiPurpose Animal Genetics Banks recently established in...


Asareca Newsletter Vol.2

This is yet another opportunity to catch up with the AR4D fraternity. Among many achievements of the summit, we are particularly upbeat by the following: The approval of ASARECA governance instruments, mainly the revised Constitution and Governance Manual; Confirmation and inauguration of the new ASARECA Board of Directors by the...


Asareca Newsletter Vol.1

Dear colleagues and stakeholders in the Agricultural Research for Development fraternity, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the first edition of ASARECA online newsletter. This monthly newsletter is meant update you on the developments at the Secretariat and among our constituents and partners in the...