Sponsorship packages for ASARECA Agriculture Ministerial Conference (AAMC)
ASARECA is organising the ASARECA Agriculture Ministerial Conference (AAMC) on May 17– 19, 2023 at Speke Resort, Munyonyo in Uganda. The AAMC is a premier ASARECA event that will feature the 2nd ASARECA Council of Patron Ministers’ (CPM) Meeting, the 4th General Assembly, and Science Conference.
The CPM is the highest governing organ of ASARECA. It comprises Ministers responsible for agricultural research in ASARECA 14 Member States. The General Assembly (GA) is the second highest organ of ASARECA. It comprises stakeholders from Members States, including the private sector; farmer organisations; civil society organisations; extension agencies; institutions of higher learning, and strategic partners, among others.
Theme: Building Resilient Food Systems to Feed Africa for Generations.
To enable you to participate appropriately, we have organised packages for participants, exhibitors institutions interested in organising side events, and session presentations, through which you can take part in this high level event. Kindly choose the category in which you would like to participate and register at a fee. The fees do not include transport and accommodation.
Registration is now open.
The following are the package categories:
Premium /Co-organising sponsor—USD 50,000 (per institution)
This package targets institutions that would like to pitch messages to the ASARECA Agriculture Ministers. The benefits include:
- A slot on Day 2 (May 18, 2023) during the CPM. ASARECA will provide guidelines on how to pitch your institution on this day.
- Brand logo gains prominence on event website, event poster, all brochures and media releases.
- Bring a long branded material at all venues including Plenary and networking area.
- Access announcements and communication to AAMC
- Prominence in social media tags.
- Entitled to all conference meals and amenities except transport and accommodation.
- Register up to 5 staff on the same fee.
****Payment will be required for extra staff registered beyond the five staff on offer
Organise side event—USD 5,000 (per institution)
This offer targets institutions that would like to organise parallel side-events on Day 1 (May 17, 2023) of the AAMC. Only 4 slots are available on a first come first serve basis. The benefits include:
- Brand logo to be placed among partners on event website, posters, and all brochures.
- Allowed to bring a long branded material during side even
- Prominence in social media tags
- Entitled to all the conference meals and amenities except transport and accommodation.